Graphics Reference
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The Mapping node pasted between Texture Coordinate and the Texture nodes
3. Now start playing with the values inside the Mapping node. For example, set the Z
Rotation value to 45° , set the X Scale value to 2.000 , and then slide the X Location
value, while seeing, in the Rendered viewport, how the texture changes orientation
and dimension and actually slide along the x axis.
4. Save the blend file as start_04.blend .
The Min and Max buttons on the bottom of the Mapping node are used to clip the extension
of the texture mapping. Check both Min and Max to prevent the texture from being repeated
n times on the surface, and it will be shown only once. A minimum value of 0.000 and a
maximum value of 1.000 give a correspondence of one-to-one to the mapped image. You
can tweak these values to limit or extend the clipping. This is useful to map decals, logos,
or labels, for example, on an object and avoid repetition.
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