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But this is a Cookbook about materials, so let's put aside the smoke simulation
settings and concentrate on the material. To better understand how this works, let's
delete the ready-made material and create a new material from scratch.
11. In the Node Editor toolbar, press Shift and click on the X button to unlink the Smoke
Domain Material . Set the users to zero.
Now, setting the Camera view shading mode to Rendered shows only the Smoke
Domain box as a solid object because no material is assigned to the simulation.
12. Click on the New button in the Node Editor window toolbar. Delete the Diffuse BSDF
shader node and add a Volume Scatter node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader |
Volume Scatter). Connect it to the Volume input socket of the Material Output node.
13. Add an Attribute node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Attribute) and
connect its Fac output to the Density input socket of the Volume Scatter node.
In the Name field of the Attribute node, write density .
14. Add a Math node ( Shift + A | Converter | Math), set the Operation to Multiply,
and paste it between the Attribute and the Volume Scatter nodes. Set the second
Value to 5.000 .
Building the smoke density after deleting the default Quick Effects material
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