Graphics Reference
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Disconnect the texture color output from the Roughness input socket of the Glossy
BSDF shader. Move the Wave Texture node to the left and add a Bump node ( Shift + A
and navigate to Vector | Bump). Connect the Fac output of the Wave Texture node to
the Height input node of the Bump node, and the Normal output of the Bump node to
the Normal input socket of both the Diffuse and the Glossy nodes. Set the Strength to
0.300 . Here is a screenshot showing the effect of the Wave Texture node as bump:
The effect of the Wave Texture Fac output as Bump for both the components of the material
8. Save the file.
Delete the Wave Texture node ( X key), press Shift + A with the mouse pointer in
the Node Editor window, and add a Checker Texture node.
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