Graphics Reference
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How to do it...
Let's start by first setting the background image material using the following steps:
Select the star_backdrop Plane and click on the New button in the Node Editor
window toolbar or in the Material window. Rename the material star_backdrop ,
and in the Material window, switch the Diffuse BSDF shader with an Emission
shader. Set the Strength to 0.500 .
Add an Image Texture node (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture | Image
Texture) and connect the Color output to the Color input socket of the Emission
node. Click on the Open button and browse to the textures folder and load the
centre-of-milky-way_tile_low.png image.
Add an RGB Curves node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | RGB Curves)
and paste it between the Image Texture and Emission nodes. Click on the curve
window to add a control point and set these coordinates: X to 0.36667 and Y to
0.12778 . Click again to add a second control point and set these coordinates: X
to 0.65556 and Y to 0.81111 .
Add a Mix Shader node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader | Mix Shader)
and paste it between the Emission and Material Output nodes; switch the
connection that comes from the Emission node to the second Shader input
socket of the Mix Shader node; leave the first Shader input socket empty.
Add a Light Path node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Light Path) and
connect the Is Camera Ray output to the Fac input socket of the Mix Shader node.
Go to Outliner and select the star_backdrop.001 object; click on the double
arrows icon to the left side of the data block name ( Browse Material to be linked )
in the Node Editor toolbar, and select the star_backdrop material; click on the
2 icon button to make it single-user.
In the new star_backdrop.001 material, select the Mix Shader node and press
Ctrl + X to delete it and keep the connection; then, also delete the Light Path node.
Go to the Object data window, and in the Ray Visibility subpanel, uncheck
all the items except for the Glossy one.
Now, let's get started with the creation of the alien skin shader (also with a
different material for the eyes).
Select the Suzanne_unwrapped_alien object; click on the New button in
the Node Editor window toolbar or in the Material window, and rename the
material alienskin .
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