Graphics Reference
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13. Connect the Color output of the ColorRamp_spec2 node to the Roughness input
socket of the Glossy BSDF_2 shader node; set Interpolation to B-Spline, and move
the white color stop to the 0.100 position and the white color stop to the 0.000
position, as shown in the following screenshot:
Sintel's color map is directly connected to the shader nodes but is modulated through ColorRamp nodes for the
roughness of the glossy nodes
14. Add a Hue Saturation Value node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | Hue/
Saturation), label it as Hue Saturation Value DERMIS , and paste it between
the EPIDERMIS and Subsurface Scattering nodes. Set the Hue value to 0.470 ,
the Saturation value to 1.500 , and Value to 1.200 .
15. Add a new Image Texture node (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture | Image
Texture) and a Bump node (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Bump); label
this Image Texture node as BUMP , and connect its Color output to the Height
input socket of the Bump node, and the Normal output of this node to the Normal
input sockets of the Diffuse BSDF node, of the two Glossy BSDF nodes, and of the
Subsurface Scattering nodes.
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