Graphics Reference
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9. Add a Bump node (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Bump) and connect the
Color output of the Voronoi Texture node to the Height input socket of the Bump
node; connect the Normal output of this node to the Normal input sockets of Diffuse
BSDF and of both the Glossy BSDF shader nodes. Set the Bump node's Strength
value to 0.500 .
10. Add a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | ColorRamp) and
paste it between the Voronoi Texture node and the Bump node. Set Interpolation to
Ease and move the white color stop to the 0.059 position.
11. Add a Math node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | Math), set Operation
to Multiply, and label it as Multiply1 ; connect the Fac output of the Noise Texture
node to the first Value input socket of the Math node. Set the second Value to 0.075
and connect the Value output to the Displacement input socket of the Material
Output node, as shown in the following screenshot:
The bump is both "per shader" and as "total" bump (as in the previous wasp material recipe)
12. Add a new Layer Weight node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Layer Weight),
two Math nodes (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | Math), and a Hue
Saturation Value node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | Hue/Saturation);
label the new Layer Weight node as Layer Weight3 .
13. Connect the Facing output of the Layer Weight3 node to the first Value input socket
of one of the Math nodes; set its Operation to Multiply and the second Value to
0.700 , and label it as Multiply2 .
14. Connect the Multiply2 node's output to the first Value input socket of the second
Math node, and the output of this node to the Hue input socket of the Hue
Saturation Value node; connect the output of this node to the Color input socket of
the Diffuse BSDF shader node.
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