Graphics Reference
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Creating an organic-looking shader with
In this recipe, we will create a sort of organic, disgusting-looking material, as shown in the
following screenshot:
The disgusting organic material as it appears in the final rendering
Getting ready
Start Blender and open the 9931OS_08_start.blend file, where there is an already
set scene with an unwrapped Suzanne primitive object leaning on a Plane, an Emitter
mesh-light, and a Camera.
Go to the Render window, and in the Sampling subpanel, change Pattern from Sobol to
Correlated Multi-Jitter.
How to do it...
Let's go straight to the material creation by using the following steps:
Click on the New button in the Node Editor window toolbar or in the Material
window under the main Properties panel and rename the new material Organic .
In the Material window, switch the Diffuse BSDF shader with a Mix Shader node, and
label it as Mix Shader2 . In the first Shader input socket, select a Mix Shader node
and label it as Mix Shader1 , and in the second one, select an Add Shader node.
Go to the Mix Shader1 node, and in the first Shader input socket, load a Diffuse
BSDF node, and in the second one, load a Glossy BSDF node. Change the Glossy
BSDF shader node's Distribution to Ashikhmin-Shirley, and set the Roughness
value to 0.100 .
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