Graphics Reference
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Therefore, a different approach is as follows:
Go to the Render window under the Properties panel. In the Sampling tab, set
Samples to 100 for both Preview and Render (they are set to 10 by default).
Set the Clamp Direct and Clamp Indirect values to 1.00 (they are set to 0.00
by default).
Go to the Light Paths tab, re-enable the Reflective and Refractive Caustics items,
and then set the Filter Glossy value to 1.00 .
The resulting rendered image, as shown in the following screenshot, is now a lot
smoother and noise-free, and also keeps the reflected caustics on the Plane:
Noise-free Rendered preview and settings under the Render window
5. Save the blend file in an appropriate location on your hard drive with a name such
as start_01.blend .
The Samples set to 10 by default are obviously not enough to give a noiseless image,
but are good for a fast preview. We could also let the Preview samples remain at the
default value and increase only the Render value, to have longer rendering times but
a clean image only for the final render (which can be started, as in Blender Internal,
by pressing the F12 key).
Using the Clamp value, we can reduce the energy of the light. Internally, Blender converts the
image color space to linear, which is from 0 to 1 , and then reconverts it to RGB, which is from 0
to 255 , for the output. A value of 1.00 in linear space means that all the image values are now
included inside a range starting from 0 and arriving to a maximum value of 1 , and that values
greater than 1 are not possible, thus avoiding the fireflies problem in most cases. Be aware that
Clamp values higher than 1.00 might also lower the general lighting intensity of the scene.
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