Graphics Reference
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44. Connect the Emission node's output to the second Shader input socket of the Mix
Shader3 node. Then set Strength to 3.000 , as shown in the following screenshot:
The windows on the hull getting illuminated by the ColorRamp_Lights_Colors node and an Emission node output
connected to the SHADER output
How it works...
F From step 1 to step 7, we built the general shader for the metallic hull, which is
similar to the metal node group we saw in Chapter 4 , Creating Man-made Materials
in Cycles . This was achieved by mixing Diffuse BSDF and Glossy BSDF shaders with
an Anisotropic BSDF node on a ground with a quite high IOR value ( 100.000 ), and
through the usual Mix Shader nodes. We added one more Mix Shader node (Mix
Shader_Spec_Amount) to include the possibility of setting more specularity than
anisotropy, and vice versa.
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