Graphics Reference
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F From steps 7 to 20, we built the sponge bump pattern by mixing Voronoi Texture
nodes at different sizes, with increased contrast due to the ColorRamp nodes.
Then we add some noise to avoid a highly smoothed surface.
Creating a spaceship hull shader
In this recipe, we will create a spaceship hull material. We will add random, tiny light windows
based on the values of procedural textures, and the spaceship's logo as if it were painted in
red on the hull, as shown in the following screenshot:
The final, rendered spaceship hull material assigned to a displaced Torus primitive
Getting ready
To start creating this spaceship hull, we need the spaceship and space first. Follow these
steps to build a quick and easy model and set up the scene:
Start Blender and switch to the Cycles Render engine. Select the default Cube
and delete it.
With the mouse arrow in the 3D view, press Shift + A and add a Torus primitive (press
Shift + A and navigate to Mesh | Torus). In Edit Mode, scale it to at least twice its
current size (press A to select all the vertices, then type S , enter 2 , and press Enter ).
Exit Edit Mode, and in Outliner, select the Lamp object. In the Object data window,
change it to Sun. Then set the Size value to 0.050 . Click on the Use Nodes button
and set the Strength value to 10.000 . Change the Color value of RGB to 0.800 .
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