Graphics Reference
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In the Material window on the right, under the main Properties panel, switch
the Diffuse BSDF shader with a Mix Shader node. Label it as Mix Shader_
Atmos1 , and in the first Shader slot, load a Transparent BSDF shader (label it
Transparent_Atmos1 ). In the second Shader slot, load a Diffuse BSDF shader
(label it Diffuse_Atmos1 ).
Add a Layer Weight node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Layer Weight)
and a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | ColorRamp).
Connect the Facing output of the Layer Weight node to the Fac input of the
ColorRamp (label it ColorRamp03 ). Set the ColorRamp03 node's Interpolation to
B-Spline, move the black color stop to the 0.395 position, and set the Alpha value to
0.000 . Set the color of the white color stop (index 1) for R to 0.072 , G to 0.127 , and
B to 0.578 .
Connect the Color output of the ColorRamp03 node to the Color input
socket of the Diffuse_Atmos1 node, and the Alpha output to the Fac input of the Mix
Shader_Atmos1 node. Set the Layer Weight node's blend factor to 0.500 .
Add a Frame (press Shift + A and navigate to Layout | Frame). Press Shift to
select these nodes and then the Frame. Then press Ctrl + P to parent them. Rename
the frame as ATMOSPHERE .
Add an Attribute node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Attribute), a
Gradient Texture node (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture | Gradient Texture),
and a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | ColorRamp).
Connect the Vector output socket of the Attribute node to the Vector input socket of
the Gradient Texture node, and then the Color output of this node to the Fac input
socket of the ColorRamp (label it ColorRamp04 ).
In the Name slot of the Attribute node, type UVMap_terminator . Set the
ColorRamp04 node's Interpolation to B-Spline. Then move the black color stop to the
0.400 position and the white color stop to the 0.600 position, but change this stop's
color to black as well. Click on the + icon button to add a new color stop. Set its color
to pure black and move it to the 0.450 position. Click on the + icon button again to
add a new color stop. Set its color to pure black and move it to the 0.550 position.
Set the Alpha of all the four black color stops to the 0.000 . Click once more on the +
icon button to add a new color stop. Set its color values for R to 1.000 , G to 0.047 ,
and B to 0.005 . Set Alpha value to 0.100 and move it to the 0.500 position.
Add a Mix Shader node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader | Mix
Shader), a Transparent BSDF node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader |
Transparent BSDF), and an Emission node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader
| Emission). Label them as Mix Shader_Atmos2 , Transparent_Atmos2 , and
Diffuse_Atmos2 .
Connect the Transparent_Atmos2 node's output to the first Shader input socket
of the Mix Shader_Atmos2 and the Diffuse_Atmos2 output to the second Shader
input. Then connect the Color output of the ColorRamp04 node to the Color input
socket of the Diffuse_Atmos2 node and the Alpha output to the Fac input socket of
the Mix Shader_Atmos2 node.
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