Graphics Reference
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Connect the Multiply03 node's output to the Color1 input of the Burn02 node.
Connect the output of the Burn02 node to the Fac input of the Mix Shader03 node
as shown in the following screenshot:
The overall view of the network with the connected node groups
How it works...
This material, which looks quite complex, is actually easily understandable by splitting the
entire process in three stages corresponding to the three group nodes:
F In the first stage, we created the basic ocean water shader by mixing a Glass node with
a Transparent BSDF shader on the ground of the Facing value of the Layer Weight
node and then also with a Glossy BSDF shader driven by the index of refraction of water
(the IOR value of the Fresnel node, which is 1.333 for water at 20°C). In other words,
the ocean surface nicely reflects the environment but for the faces looking towards the
Camera (the Facing factor), it is transparent. Very important is the Bottom_ocean Plane,
which is used to mimic the volume of the water and the underwater perspective and also
emitting light to enhance the effect of the sun bouncing from the ocean surface to any
floating object. The result of this first stage is shown in the following rendering:
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