Graphics Reference
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3. Add three Mapping nodes (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Mapping,
then press Shift + D to duplicate them). Label them as Mapping01 , Mapping02 ,
and Mapping03 .
4. Add a Texture Coordinate node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Texture
Coordinate) and a Geometry node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Geometry).
5. Connect the Normal output of the Geometry node to the Vector input of the
Mapping01 node. Next, connect the Position output of the Geometry node to the
Vector input of the Mapping02 node. Then connect the UV output of the Texture
Coordinate node to the Vector input of the Mapping03 node.
6. In the Mapping02 node, change the Location value of X to 0.500 and the Rotation
value of Y to 90° .
7. Connect the output of the Mapping01 to the input of the Gradient Texture01, the
output of the Mapping02 to the input of the Gradient Texture02, and the output of
the Mapping03 to both the Vector inputs of the last two Voronoi Texture nodes.
8. Add a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | ColorRamp),
label it as ColorRamp06 , and connect the Color output of the Voronoi Texture04
node to its Fac input. Set Interpolation to B-Spline. On the ColorRamp06 node, click
on the little + icon to add a new color stop (medium gray) in the middle of the slider.
Change its color to total black and move it to position 0.068 .
9. Add a Math node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | Math), set the
Operation to Multiply, and label it as Multiply02 . Connect the Color output of the
Gradient Texture02 node to the first Value input socket of the Multiply02 node.
10. Add a MixRGB node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | MixRGB), set the Blend
Type to Difference, and label it as Difference02 . Set the Fac value to 1.000 .
Connect the Color output of the Gradient Texture01 to the Color1 input socket,
and the Value output of the Multiply02 node to the Color2 input socket of the
Difference02 node.
11. Press Shift + D to duplicate the MixRGB node, set the Blend Type to Subtract, and
label it as Subtract03 . Connect the ColorRamp06 node's Color output to both the
Color2 and to the Fac input sockets. Then connect the Color output of the Voronoi
Texture03 node to the Color1 input socket.
12. Add a new ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter |
ColorRamp), label it as ColorRamp07 , and connect the output of the Difference02
node to the Fac input. Then move the white color stop to position 0.344 .
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