Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
9. Select Suzanne and rotate it a bit towards the left on the z axis.
10. Press T to close the Tool Shelf panel.
Setting up the scene
How to do it...
Now we are going to create the material by performing the following steps:
Click on New in the Material window under the Properties panel or in the
Node Editor toolbar. Rename the material Wood .
Switch the Diffuse BSDF shader with a Mix Shader node, and in the first
Shader slot, select a Diffuse BSDF shader. In the second Shader slot, select
a Glossy BSDF node. Set the Glossy BSDF node's Roughness value to 0.300 .
Add a Fresnel node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Fresnel) and a
MixRGB node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | MixRGB). Set the IOR
value of the Fresnel node to 2.000 . Connect its output to the Color1 input
socket of the MixRGB node. Set the MixRGB node's Blend Type to Multiply,
label it as Multiply1 , and set the Fac value to 0.900 . Connect the
Multiply1 node's output to the Fac input socket of the Mix Shader node.
Add Frame (press Shift + A and navigate to Layout | Frame). Select the Diffuse
BSDF, Glossy BSDF, Mix Shader, Multiply1, and Fresnel nodes. Then select the
Frame and press Ctrl + P to parent them. Label the frame as SHADERS .
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