Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Most of the bump effect is created by the Noise Texture and Musgrave Texture nodes,
which are mixed and clamped in several ways by the ColorRamp nodes. Here is a
screenshot of the entire material network:
The overall view of the antique bronze material network
As usual, the last Math node, which is set to Multiply, establishes the strength of the bump.
Creating a multipurpose metal node group
All the metal materials you can see in the following screenshot (pewter, gold, silver, chromium,
and aluminum) were obtained from a single shader node group linked and applied to each
Suzanne with different interface settings.
To take a look at the scene, open the 9931OS_04_metals.blend file. In this recipe, we
will build the generic Metal node group shader. You can find it in the 9931OS_04_metal_
group.blend file, as shown in the following screenshot:
Some examples of different metal materials created by the same node group
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