Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
26. Add two new ColorRamp nodes (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter |
ColorRamp). Label them as ColorRamp4 and ColorRamp5 .
27. Connect the Fac output of the Noise Texture3 node to the ColorRamp4 node.
Set the color black stop to the 0.479 position and the white stop to the
0.493 position.
28. Connect the Color output of the ColorRamp4 node to the ColorRamp5 node's
input socket, and the Color output of this node to the Color2 input sockets
of the Burn and Overlay nodes.
29. Click on the + icon on the ColorRamp5 node to add a new color stop in the
middle of the color slider. Set the black stop color (index 0 ) for R to 0.216 ,
G to 0.027 , and B to 0.007 ; the middle stop color (index 1 ) for R to 0.539 ,
G to 0.261 , and B to 0.000 ; and the white color stop color (index 2 ) for R to
0.515 , G to 0.433 , and B to 0.088 , as shown in the following screenshot:
Adding color details to the ground of the bump textures
How it works...
We use the Vertex Color layer set in the Getting ready section as a stencil map to distribute
both the colored Diffuse BSDF and the Glossy BSDF shaders, driven by the Facing option
of the Layer Weight input node.
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