Graphics Reference
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12. Connect the Color output of the ColorRamp node to the Color input of the Invert2
node, then connect the Color output of the Invert2 node to the Fac input socket
of the Mix Shader node, as shown in the following screenshot:
The shader modulated by the Dirty Vertex Colors output
13. Add a Texture Coordinate node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Texture
Coordinate), a Mapping node (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Mapping),
four Noise Texture nodes (press Shift + A , navigate to Textures | Noise Texture,
and press Shift + D to duplicate them), and a Musgrave Texture node (press
Shift + A and navigate to Textures | Musgrave Texture).
14. Label the four Noise Texture nodes as Noise Texture1 , Noise Texture2 ,
Noise Texture3 , and Noise Texture4 .
15. Connect the Object output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector input of
the Mapping node. Connect the Vector output of this node to the Vector input
sockets of all the five texture nodes.
16. For the Noise Texture1 node, set Scale to 1.000 and Detail to 5.800 . For the
Noise Texture2 node, set Scale to 30.000 and Detail to 0.300 . For the Noise
Texture3 node, set Scale to 18.500 and Detail to 0.300 . Finally, for the Noise
Texture4 node, set Scale to 65.000 and Detail to 0.300 .
17. For the Musgrave Texture node, set Type to Multifractal, Scale to 15.000 ,
Detail to 2.600 , Dimension to 0.800 , and Lacunarity to 0.400 .
18. Add a MixRGB node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | MixRGB),
set Blend Type to Difference, and label it as Difference1 . Press
Shift + D to duplicate it. Label the duplicate as Difference2 .
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