Graphics Reference
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Connect the Object output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector input of
the Mapping node, and the output of this node to the input of the Noise Texture
node. Connect the Color output of the Noise Texture node to the ColorRamp input
socket, and the Color output of the ColorRamp node to the Color1 input socket of
the MixRGB node. Connect the Color output of the MixRGB node to the Color input
of the Bakelite node group.
Set the Noise Texture node's Scale to 4.000 , Detail to 4.200 , and Distortion to
1.700 .
Set the ColorRamp node's Interpolation to B-Spline. Move the black color marker
to position 0.277 and the white color marker to 0.686 .
Set MixRGB node's Blend Type to Divide (but remember to experiment with the
other types as well) and the Fac value to 0.600 . Change the Color2 values of R
to 0.799 , G to 0.442 , and B to 0.220 .
In the Bakelite node group interface, set the Spec value to 0.300 , as shown in
the following screenshot:
Adding texture details to the Bakelite node group
7. You can also smooth the Suzanne mesh in the Tool Shelf panel (press T ) and
increase the Subdivision levels of the Subdivision Surface modifier to 2 .
8. Save the file.
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