Graphics Reference
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3. Set the Glass BSDF shader's color totally white and the IOR value to 1.309 . Set the
Transparent BSDF shader's color values to 0.448 for R, 0.813 for G, and 1.000
for B.
4. Add a Fresnel node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | Fresnel) and connect it
to the Fac input socket of the Mix Shader node. Then set the IOR
value to 1.309 .
5. Add a Glossy BSDF shader (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader | Glossy
BSDF). Set the color to pure white and the Roughness value to 0.050 .
6. Select the Mix Shader node and press Shift + D to duplicate it. Connect the
output of the first Mix Shader node to the first Shader input socket of the
duplicated one, and the Glossy BSDF shader output to the second Shader
input socket. Add a Layer Weight node (press Shift + A and navigate to
Input | Layer Weight) and connect the Facing output to the Fac socket
of the second Mix Shader node.
7. Add a Voronoi Texture node (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture |
Voronoi Texture). Set Coloring to Cells and the Scale value to 25.000 .
8. Add a Noise Texture node (press Shift + A and navigate to Texture | Noise
Texture) and set only the Scale value to 25.000 .
9. Add a Math node (press Shift + A and navigate to Converter | Math) and set
Operation to Maximum. Connect the Fac output of the Voronoi Texture and
Noise Texture nodes to the first and the second Value input of the Math node.
10. Add a Bump node (press Shift + A and navigate to Vector | Bump). Connect
the Maximum-Math node output to the Height input of the Bump node, and
its Normal output to the Normal input sockets of the Glass BSDF and Glossy
BSDF shaders.
11. Set the Strength value of the Bump node to 0.250 .
12. Add an RGB Curves node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | RGB Curves)
and paste it between the Maximum-Math and the Bump nodes. Set the point in
the little window of the node interface at these coordinates: 0.25455 for X and
0.28125 for Y. Click on the little window to create a new point and set its
coordinates to 0.74091 for X and 0.26250 for Y.
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