Graphics Reference
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12. Label the Dodge node Dodge01 and connect its output to the Color input of the
Diffuse01 shader. Set the Noise Texture01 scale to 10.000 , Detail to 5.000 , and
Distortion to 0.300 . For Noise Texture02, set Scale to 35.000 , Detail to 5.000 ,
and Distortion to 1.000 , as shown in the following screenshot:
The first steps to build the bump effect for the ground material
13. Add two Voronoi Texture nodes (press Shift + A , navigate to Texture | Voronoi
Texture, and rename the nodes Voronoi Texture01 and Voronoi Texture02 )
and a new MixRGB node (press Shift + A and navigate to Color | MixRGB). Set
the Blend Type to Subtract and label it Subtract02 . Connect the color output
of the Voronoi Texture01 node to the Color1 input socket, and the color output
of the Voronoi Texture02 node to the Color2 input socket.
14. Set the Subtract02 node's Fac value to 1.000 , and then go to the Voronoi
Texture01 node. Set Coloring to Cells and Scale to 18.100 . Go to the Voronoi
Texture02 node, leave Coloring as Intensity, and set the Scale value to 18.000 .
15. Select the two Voronoi Texture nodes and the Subtract02 node, and press
Shift + D to duplicate them. Label the texture nodes as Voronoi Texture03
and Voronoi Texture04 , and the MixRGB node as Subtract03 .
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