Graphics Reference
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We also need to expose the second Value socket of the TOTAL BUMP STRENGTH
frame. Rename the new socket on the interface as Total strength . This is in
fact the value for the overall bump of the material.
After this, we can do the following: expose the color input by deleting the RGB node
in the SAND COLOR frame and connecting the Color input sockets of the Diffuse
BSDF, RGB Curves, and Glossy BSDF shader node's to the Color socket on the
Group Input node; expose the sand's grain size value, connecting the Scale input
socket of the Noise Texture03 node to a Grain_size socket; and finally, by clicking
on the arrows in the Properties panel, order the position of the input sockets on
the Group Input node as shown in this screenshot:
The sockets created on the Group Input node and reflected in the Interface subpanel
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