Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting ready
Start Blender and switch to the Cycles Render engine. Then perform the following steps:
Delete the default Cube and add a Plane (press Shift + A and navigate to Mesh |
Press Tab to go to Edit Mode and scale it nine times bigger, with 18 units per side
(press S , enter the digit 9 , and press Enter ). Go out of Edit Mode.
Go to the World window and click on the Use Nodes button under the Surface
subpanel in the Properties panel to the right of the screen. Then click on the little
square with a dot on the right side of the Color slot. Select the Sky Texture item from
the pop-up menu. Set the Strength value to 1.900 .
Select the Lamp, go to the Object data window, and click on the Use Nodes button.
Then change the Type of Lamp to Sun and set Strength to 3.000 . Change the color
values to 1.000 for R, 0.935 for G, and 0.810 for B. In orthogonal top view, rotate
the Sun lamp by 45° , as shown in the following screenshot:
The scene from the top with the Sun Lamp selected
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