Graphics Reference
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The steps that are detailed after this screenshot will result in the bump effect:
The BUMP frame containing the nodes to build the bump effect
16. Add a Glossy BSDF shader node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader | Glossy
BSDF) and a Mix Shader node (press Shift + A and navigate to Shader | Mix Shader).
Paste the Mix Shader node between the Diffuse BSDF and the Material Output
nodes, and connect the Glossy BSDF output to the second Shader input socket.
17. Connect the Normal output of the Bump node to the Normal input socket of the
Glossy BSDF shader. Set the Glossy BSDF shader's Roughness to 0.150 and the
Fac value of the Mix Shader node to 0.300 .
18. Add an RGB node (press Shift + A and navigate to Input | RGB) and connect it to
the Color input socket of the Diffuse BSDF shader node. Set the color values to
0.407 for R, 0.323 for G, and 0.293 for B.
19. Add a MixRGB node, label it Mix03 , and paste it between the RGB and the Diffuse
BSDF nodes. Connect the Color output of the Darken-MixRGB node to the Color2
input socket of the Mix03 node.
20. Add a new MixRGB node. Set Blend Type to Add and the Fac value to 0.800 .
Connect the Color output of the ColorRamp01 node to the Color1 input socket,
and the output of the Mix03 node to the Color2 input socket of the MixRGB node.
Connect the Color output of the Add-MixRGB node to the Color input socket of the
Diffuse BSDF node.
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