Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8 Examples of stratigraphy
and sedimentary features in strata
of Proterozoic to Devonian age in
the Anti-Atlas. a Kess Kess mud
mound. b Hill-capping Devonian
coral-stromatoporoid biostrome
limestone. c Close-up of coral-
stromatoporoid biostrome
limestone. d Outcrop of
Orthoceras-bearing limestone.
e Close-up of Orthoceras -bearing
limestone showing current-
oriented Orthoceras . f Stratiform
sheets of Cambrian sandstone and
shale. g Sand dykes in Cambrian
sandstone and shale sequence. h
Horizontal and vertical burrows
in Devonian Goniatite-bearing
limestone. i Lamination in
Proterozoic stromatolites (vertical
5.1.4 Neoproterozoic Passive Margin Series
(Taghdout Group) with Its Well-Preserved
Sedimentary Features (ca 800 Ma) and Its
Pre-Pan-African Doleritic Sills
Neoproterozoic (ca 800 Ma) volcano-sedimentary sequences
of the northern rifted margin of the WAC are exposed in the
central and western Anti-Atlas inliers. The Zenaga Eburnian
gneisses are overlain in their northern edge by Neoprotero-
zoic quartzite and carbonate rocks with interbedded conti-
nental tholeiitic basaltic lavas. These sedimentary rocks are
micropegmatite, hornblende and biotite. The secondary
mineralogy includes albite, chlorite, actinolite, epidote,
sphene, calcite and quartz. These doleritic dykes are occa-
sionally deformed where they are intersected by mylonite.
These basic rocks are also interbedded in the sedimentary
passive margin series. Similar basic rocks were de
ned in
the western Anti-Atlas inliers (Iguerda, Tagragra d
Bas Dr
a, Ighrem and Kerdous) and are described as witness
of the break-up of the WAC during the Pre-Pan-African
orogeny around 1,000
800 Ma.
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