Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
The Karst Geomorphologic Regionalization
in China
La régionalisation des karsts
géomorphologiques en Chine
W. Chen, Y. Zhang, H. Qin, D. Zhu, and X. Wang
Many geomorphologic types of karst are developed in China throughout an area of
910,000 km 2 . Depending on the large differences in terrain types and climate throughout the
country, and relying on genetic and morphological approaches, as well as assessing the
maximum similarities and the minimum differences of karst landforms within each landform
region, the karst features are classi
ed into eight geomorphologic regions, i.e., humid tropical
karst landform region (I), humid tropical-subtropical karst landform region (II), arid-humid
subtropical-semihumid temperate karst landform region (III), humid-semihumid temperate
karst landform region (IV), arid-semiarid temperate karst landform region (V), humid tropical-
subtropical-humid-semihumid plateau temperate karst landform region (VI), humid subtrop-
ical-semiarid plateau temperate karst landform region (VII), and plateau-high mountain karst
landform region (VIII). The karst landform in the region I is dominated by coral reefs (islands)
and some scattered hilly karst where one national karst geopark has been established. Region
II, typi
ed by well-developed karst, is where 90 % of fengcong (cone karst) and all fenglin
(tower karst) in China occur, with semi-karst formations of hilly karst, valleys and plains.
Thirty-one national karst geoparks are established in the region. Region III is characterized by
buried, covered karst, and some karst mountains and hills, especially the cap-shaped karst; two
national geoparks are established in this region. Region IV is characterized by ridge hill
valleys, cluster hill valleys and karst mountain valleys; one national karst geopark is
established in this region. Region V consists of middle-high karst mountains and widespread
semi-karst landforms of hilly mountains; only one national karst geopark is established in this
region. Region VI is characterised by high-mountain karst such as fengcong deep canyons and
gentle fengcong canyons, where
ve national geoparks of karst are established. Region VII is
characterised by undeveloped karst being no different from the non-karst landscape. Region
VIII is characterised by two basic types of karsts, the high karst mountains and the semi-karst
mountains. No karst geopark has yet been established in regions VII and VIII.
La Chine consiste en de nombreux types de karsts g
omorphologiques d
s sur une
cie de 910 000 km 2 . Selon les types de terrain et le climat
travers le pays, en s
sur les approches g
tiques et morphologiques, ainsi que sur l
' é
valuation des similitudes
maximales et des diff
rences minimales des reliefs dans chaque r
gion karstique, les karsts sont
s en huit r
gions g
omorphologiques: la r
gion karstique tropicale humide (I), la r
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