Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 5 Harsh landscape of the
main ridge of the Apuan Alps
water to pelagic and ends with siliciclastic foredeep turbi-
dites of Oligocene-lower Miocene age (Fazzuoli et al. 1994 ).
The Apuan Alps form an area of high relief de
ISPRA database within the
project, launched in 2002. This project aims to create a
national inventory of geological sites in order to become a
useful tool for the geological knowledge of Italy, as well as
Italian Geosites Inventory
ned by the
metamorphic units, including the Dolomitic landscape and
the rugged karst terrain so important to the Park and its
heritage (Figs. 5 and 6 ). Glacial features occur, mainly on
the eastern side of the range (Fig. 7 ). The outcrop of the
sandstone and shale-dominant formations that comprise the
Tuscan Nappe gives rise to smoother landforms and less
strongly incised valleys surrounding the Apuan main range.
Compilation of the
rst systematic inventory of the Ap-
uan Alps geosites started during the drafting of the Master
Plan of the Nature Park of the Apuan Alps ( 2007 ). The
inventory documented the wealth and the unique character
of the geological heritage of the Apuan Alps, allowing
information on their geodiversity to be spread, including a
The Geosites of the Apuan Alps
rst selection of the geosites, to increase public awareness
and to stimulate local communities to participate in conser-
vation and enhancement strategies.
Subsequently a
Several years ago the Authority for the Nature Park of the
Apuan Alps decided to apply for membership of the Euro-
pean Geoparks Network, with the main aim of enhancing the
eld survey was undertaken to compile
descriptive and evaluation
ID cards
and to create photo
s geological heritage (Acta apuana 2005 ). With the
strong support and help of local authorities and the local
communities during the following years, the application
dossier for membership was presented in November 2010.
The Apuan Alps Geopark was formally recognised as a
member of the European and Global Geoparks Network
during the 10th European Geoparks Conference held in
Langesund, Norway, in September 2011.
reportage (Amor
ni and Isola 2010 ). The
ID card
of each
ed geosite was based on the inventory data sheet
prepared by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection
and Research (ISPRA). The data sheet comprises different
sections of description and assessment of the value of the
geological asset. In particular,
the section regarding the
c interest documents the
degree of interest
as the geological signi
cance compared to the geographical
setting, also including the attribution to the disciplinary
category (geomorphology, hydrogeology, structural geol-
ogy, etc.).
During the inventory of Apuan geosites, the scienti
rst list of European geosites, drawn up by Wimb-
ledon et al. ( 1996 ) for the European Association for the
Conservation of the Geological Heritage (ProGEO), con-
tained some exclusive sites from the Apuan Alps, such as the
Apuan tectonic window, the Hercynian discontinuity of Mt.
Corchia and the Apuan
value of every natural element was carefully considered,
following the criteria of uniqueness, representativeness or
exemplarity, but also the cultural, tourist and socio-economic
Marble. Information
about geosites from the Apuan Alps is also contained in the
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