Travel Reference
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But as benches go, it's a doozy, mounted to a Kuka robotic arm that can be pro-
grammedtoreplicate allthesensationsofflying,includingbroadswoops,steepdives,
sharp turns, sudden stops, and fast acceleration. The ride vehicle moves you through
a series of alternating sets and domes where scenes are projected all around you. The
movement of the Kuka arm is synchronized to create the motion that corresponds
to what is happening in the set or film. When everything works correctly, it's mind-
blowing: You'll soar over Hogwarts Castle, narrowly evade an attacking dragon, spar
with the Whomping Willow, get tossed into a Quidditch match, and fight off Dement-
ors inside the Chamber of Secrets.
but we nonetheless recommend that you not ride on an empty stomach. If you start
getting queasy, fix your gaze on your feet and try to exclude as much from your peri-
pheral vision as possible. If you have a child who doesn't meet the minimum height
requirement of 48 inches, a child-swapping option is provided at the loading area.
Even if your child meets the height requirement, consider carefully whether
Forbidden Journey is an experience he or she can handle—because the seats
on the benches are compartmentalized, kids can't see or touch Mom or Dad
if they get scared.
The seats accommodate a wide variety of body shapes and sizes. Each bench has
specially modified seats at either end. Though these allow many more people to ride,
it's possible that guests of size can't fit in them. The best way to figure out whether
you can fit in a regular seat or one of the modified ones is to sit in one of the test seats
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