Travel Reference
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Board a dragon-headed ship for a voyage through the fabled seas of Viking history
and legends with brave trolls, rocky gorges (fjords), and a storm at sea. Sounds dan-
gerous? The ride can be intense at times, but the only hold-your-breath moment is
when your boat descends a 20-foot slide. The rather short ride is followed by a
5-minute film on Norway, but if you don't want to see the film, you'll be given the
opportunity to exit before it begins.
IS MAELSTROM GETTING ICED? Rumors are running rampant that with the run-
away success of Frozen , Maelstrom will soon close to make way for an attraction based
on the movieā€”a Norwegian news program recently reported that it could happen as soon
as October 2014. Not unsurprisingly, the Norwegian government isn't thrilled at the pro-
spect of continuing to fund a pavilion whose main focus may soon become an imaginary
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