Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
ALMOST ALL VISITORS ENJOY WALT DISNEY WORLD on some level and find things to see
and do that they like. In fact, for many, the theme park attractions are just the tip of the
iceberg. The more salient question, then—this is a family vacation, after all—is wheth-
er the members of your family basically like the same things. If you do, fine. If not,
how will you handle the differing agendas?
A mother from Toronto wrote a few years ago describing her husband's aversion
to Disney's (in his terms) “phony, plastic, and idealized version of life.” Touring the
theme parks, he was a real cynic and managed to diminish the experience for the rest
of the family. As it happened, however, Dad's pejorative point of view didn't extend to
the Disney golf courses. So Mom packed him up and sent him golfing while the family
enjoyed the theme parks.
If you have someone in your family who doesn't like theme parks or, for whatever
reason, doesn't care for Disney's brand of entertainment, it helps to get that attitude out
in the open. Our recommendation is to deal with the person up front. Glossing over or
ignoring the contrary opinion and hoping that “Tom will like it once he gets there” is
naive and unrealistic. Either leave Tom at home or help him discover and plan activit-
ies that he will enjoy, resigning yourself in the process to the fact that the family won't
be together at all times.
IT'S NO SECRET THAT WE AT THE Unofficial Guides believe thorough planning is an es-
sential key to a successful Walt Disney World vacation. It's also no secret that our em-
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