Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
PREPAREYOURSELFMENTALLY tobealittlelesscompulsiveonvacationaboutcorrect-
ingsmall behavioral deviations andpoundinghomethelessonsoflife. Certainly,little
Mildred will have to learn eventually that it's very un-Disney-like to take off her top
at the pool. But there's plenty of time for that later. So what if Matt eats hamburgers
for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day? You can make him eat peas and broccoli
when you get home and are in charge of meal preparation again. Roll with the little
stuff, and remember when your children act out that they are wired to the max. At
least some of that adrenaline is bound to spill out in undesirable ways. Coming down
hard will send an already frayed little nervous system into orbit.
IF YOU TRAVEL WITH AN INFANT, TODDLER, or any child who requires a lot of special
attention, make sure that you have some energy and time remaining for your other
children. In the course of your planning, invite each child to name something special
to do or see at Walt Disney World with Mom or Dad alone. Work these special activ-
ities into your trip itinerary. Whatever else, if you commit, write it down so you don't
forget.Remember,though,that acasually expressed willingness todothisorthat may
be perceived as a promise by your children.
LILIANE Try to schedule some time alone with each of your children, if
not each day, then at least a couple of times during the trip.
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