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When reducing cognitive dissonance and creating a frictionless experience, the best-de-
signed products will encourage a mental state known as flow . First identified by psycholo-
gist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, flow is the state we enter when we become totally immersed
in a task, with our focus pushing all other distracting factors from our minds. Flow might
be considered the ultimate motivation, but one shouldn't think of it as a prod or an initial
impetus. It's a dynamic condition where motivation seems to have no beginning or end. It's
also a smooth, productive and continuous process, more like a free-running stream.
In UX, flow is the perfect link between user and product, where thoughts, actions and
results all seem to merge in that positive stream. When we're in a state of flow, we lose
self-consciousness, forget inhibitions and abandon outside thoughts and worries. When this
happens our brains go into a state that might be best described as totally engaged rapture.
When an athlete is described as “in the zone,” this often means his or her thought processes
have gone into a state of flow. Flow is most likely to be achieved when someone is using a
device or tool that creates a frictionless user experience.
This is what designers want to create for users: an experience that's smooth without
being boring. That's when the new TV lives up to the user's original expectations. That's
when user's options are limited to a number that encourages quality choices, but doesn't
inhibit the very act of choosing.
The psychology of any product is there in its conception, development, promotion and
presentation. Each stage contributes to consumer perception and the product's ultimate fate.
Psychology plays a pivotal role in the relationships between designers, their products and
users. Our designs must reduce or, if possible, remove any roadblocks to a frictionless user
experience. If we fail at this, our products will create frustration, and ultimately, rejection.
If we consider our users' needs and design products with easily navigable UIs, consumers
will take notice, and give our products—and their brands—the best reward possible: loy-
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