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The most prominent reason for adopting parallel computing is the need to finish
a large computational task more quickly. To illustrate this point, let us consider a
simplified three-dimensional diffusion equation:
@ 2 u
@x 2
@ 2 u
@y 2
C @ 2 u
@ u
@ z 2 ;
for which a more general form was introduced in Sect. 7.2.
We want to develop an explicit numerical scheme that is based on finite differ-
ences for the above 3D equation. This will be done in the same fashion as for the 1D
version described in Sect. 7.4. Suppose superscript ` denotes a discrete time level,
subscripts i; j; k denote a spatial grid point, t denotes the time step size, and x ,
y ,and z denote the spatial grid spacing. Then, the temporal derivative term in
( 10.1 ) is discretized as
u `C1
u i;j;k
@ u
For the spatial derivative term in the x -direction, the finite difference approximation
u i 1;j;k
2 u i;j;k
C u i C1;j;k
@ 2 u
@x 2
x 2
The other two spatial derivative terms @ 2 u =@y 2 and @ 2 u =@ z 2 can be discretized
Combining all the finite differences together, the explicit numerical scheme for
the 3D diffusion equation ( 10.1 )arisesas
u `C1
u i;j;k
u i 1;j;k
2 u i;j;k
C u i C1;j;k
x 2
u i;j1;k
2 u i;j;k
C u i;jC1;k
y 2
u i;j;k1
2 u i;j;k
C u i;j;kC1
z 2
For simplicity we assume that the solution domain is the unit cube with a
Dirichlet boundary condition, e.g., u D 0 . The values of u i;j;k
are prescribed by
some initial condition u .x; y; z ;0/ D I.x; y; z / . If the spatial grid spacing is the
same in all three directions, i.e., x D y D z D h D 1=n , the explicit numer-
ical scheme will have the following formula representing the main computational
work per time step:
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