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(d) Note that the problem of bounding the error of the trapezoidal method is now
reduced to bounding the difference between the function f D f.x/ and the
linear function y D y.x/, which coincides with f in the endpoints x D a and
x D b. We will bound this difference by subsequent use of the Taylor series
given in ( 1.41 )below.
Use the Taylor series with n D 1 to show that there is a value between a and
x such that
f.x/ D f.a/ C .x a/f 0 .a/ C 1
2 .x a/ 2 f 00 ./;
and use this expansion to argue that
f.x/ y.x/ D f 0 .a/
.x a/ C
f.b/ f.a/
b a
2 .x a/ 2 f 00 ./:
(e) Use the Taylor expansion with n D 1 once more to show that
f.b/ f.a/
b a
2 .b a/f 00 ./
D f 0 .a/ C
for some in the interval from a to b. Apply this relation to show that
f.x/ y.x/ D 1
2 .x a/ 2 f 00 ./:
2 .x a/.b a/f 00 ./ C
(f) Let
ˇ f 00 .x/ ˇ ;
M D max
and use the triangle inequality (1.37) to show that
j f.x/ y.x/ j M.b a/ 2 :
(g) Show that
E M.b a/ 3 :
(h) Next we consider the composite trapezoidal rule. Recall that the composite
trapezoidal rule is defined as follows:
T n D h " 1
2 f.x n / # ;
2 f.x 0 / C n X
i D1
f.x i / C
as in (1.16). Show that
n X
T n D
T.f;x i 1 ;x i /
i D1
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