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The heun function is like a subroutine in Fortran, i.e., it does not return any value,
which in C CC is indicated by declaring the return type as void .The f argument
is used to transfer the right-hand side of the ODE to this function (see page 222 for
details). For our test program, the following f1 function will be supplied as the f
argument to the heun function:
double f1 (double u) { return -u; }
Plain Arrays in C CC
The argument u in the heun function is a basic C CC (or C) one-dimensional array,
with one index starting at 0. The array argument is declared as double u[] or
double * u . The latter notation actually declares a pointer to a double, i.e., the mem-
ory address of a double. Arrays and pointers in C and C CC are very closely related;
array variables are represented by pointers to (i.e. the address of) the first array ele-
ment in memory. Indexing arrays is done with square brackets: u[0] , u[1] ,and
so on. The array length (here n+1 ) must be transferred as a separate argument, as in
Fortran 77. Another similarity with Fortran is that there is no built-in check of the
validity of the array indices. Indexing arrays beyond their bounds is one of the most
common errors in these programming languages.
Arrays in C and C CC can be created at run time with an appropriate length after
some input data are read. 13 The syntax is as follows:
double * u = new double[n+1];
The new operator allocates a chunk of memory of sufficient size for storing n+1
double-precision real numbers and returns a pointer to the first array element. We
can assign the returned pointer to a pointer variable u and index the array as u[i] .
When there is no further use for the array, it must be deallocated (deleted from
memory) by the syntax
delete [] u;
For every new there should a corresponding delete action. Issuing a delete twice
is a common error, and the result is just strange program behavior and abort mes-
sages such as segmentation fault . Matching all the new and delete statements
correctly appears to be one of the greatest challenges when developing C and C CC
Array Objects
Fortunately, C CC has safer array variables. The class valarray in the standard
C CC library offers a vector type (array with a single index). Here is a declaration
of an array u of length n+1 , where each array element is a double :
13 Recall that Fortran arrays are declared with a fixed size at compile time.
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