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a = 0; b = 2; n = 1000
for i in range(10000):
result = trapezoidal(a, b, f1, n)
import time
t1 = time.clock()
print result, t1
We note that in Python you can say print a ,where a is any built-in object (includ-
ing an array) and get nicely formatted output. This is very convenient during
program development and debugging.
The reader should notice how convenient a language using dynamic typing is;
many of the code segments developed for scalar computations can be directly reused
for vectorized computations. (The same functionality is obtained in C CC by the use
of templates and overloaded operators, though at the cost of increased language and
technical complexity.)
The vectorized version of the trapezoidal method uses one-seventh of the CPU
time required by the loop-based counterpart. This means that vectorized Python runs
slightly faster than Java and at about half the speed of Fortran 77, C, or C CC .
Vectorized Numerical Integration in Matlab
Algorithm 6.13 can be implemented directly in Matlab:
function r = Trapezoidal_vec(a, b, f, n)
% TRAPEZOIDAL Numerical integration from a to b
% by the Trapezoidal rule
f = fcnchk(f);
h = (b-a)/n;
x = [a:h:b];
v = feval(f, x);
r=h * (sum(v) - 0.5 * (v(1) + v(length(v))));
The construction of the sequence of evaluation points having a uniform distance h
between a and b is created by the expression [a:h:b] .The feval(f,x) expression
we know from the scalar (non-vectorized) version of the function can also be used
when x is a vector. As in Python, the return value from f is then a vector. Summing
up all elements in a vector v is performed with sum(v) , and indexing the last element
in v can be written as v(length(v)) (if the first index in v is set to 1, which is the
default value).
The function to be integrated must now work for a vector. In the previous
Python example we could reuse a function implemented for a scalar input and
return value. Such reuse is not possible in Matlab when the function expression
f.x/ D e x 2 log .1 C x sin x/ . The reason is because the expression exp(-x * x)
for a vector x implies a matrix multiplication between x and itself. What we need
is the . * operator such that an element in the answer is the product of the corre-
sponding two elements in the operands. Hence, the vectorized version of the scalar
f1 function is
function y = f1_vec(x)
y = exp(-x . * x) . * log(1 + x . * sin(x));
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