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the last element in x . The sum operation on a vector v is called add.reduce(v)
in Numerical Python. Knowing about arrayrange and add.reduce , it should be
quite easy to understand the implementation of the vectorized algorithm in Python:
def trapezoidal(a, b, f, n):
h = (b-a)/float(n)
x = arrayrange(a, b+h/2, h, Float)
v = f(x)
r=h * (sum(v) - 0.5 * (v[0] + v[-1]))
return r
Indexing Python arrays is a slow process, but we do it only twice, which is not
critical if n is large. Arrays in Python start with index 0 ,and -1 is a notation for the
last index.
Numerical Python redefines the multiplication operator * such that h * f(x) is a
scalar h multiplied by a vector f(x) . The expression f(x) means applying a func-
tion f to a vector x , element by element. However, we must avoid implementing
f(x) as an explicit loop in Python. To this end, Numerical Python supports the effi-
cient application of standard mathematical functions and operators on vectors. For
example, sin(x) computes the sine of each element in a vector x . We can therefore
implement a function f.x/ D e x 2 ln .1 C x sin x/ applied to each element of a
vector x as
def f1(x):
f = exp(-x * x) * log(1+x * sin(x))
return f
This is exactly the same syntax as that used for applying a scalar function on a scalar
value. Sending, e.g., a number 3.1 to f1 , results in the computation e 3:1 2 ln .1 C
3:1 sin 3:1/ . Sending a vector x to f1 results in more complicated computations
“behind the curtain”:
1. temp1 = sin(x) , i.e., apply the sine function to each entry in x
2. temp2 = 1 + temp1 , i.e., add 1 to each element in temp1
3. temp3 = log(temp2) , i.e., compute the natural logarithm of all elements in
4. temp4 = x * x , i.e., square each element in x
5. temp5 = exp(temp4) , i.e., apply the exponential function to each element in
6. f = temp5 * temp3 , i.e., multiply temp5 and temp3 element by element, as in a
scalar multiplication
As we see, f is built of several vector operations, requiring temporary arrays, and
hence additional storage, compared with a straightforward loop. However, a straight
loop computing f element by element required 40 times as long CPU time as the
vectorized version (on an Intel laptop computer with Linux and Python compiled by
GNU's C compiler gcc ).
The main program calling up the vectorized version of the trapezoidal function
is exactly the same program as we used to test the scalar version of Trapezoidal :
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