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To integrate f1 , we can call the Trapezoidal function in the interactive Matlab
environment as follows:
a = 0; b = 2; n = 10;
result = Trapezoidal(a, b, @f1, n);
disp(result); % print result
Notice that a function f1 in an M-file f1.m is transferred as an argument by adding
the @ prefix to the name f1 .
Adding timing functionality is easy with the Matlab cputime function. However,
we need to run a long loop over the Trapezoidal function call to obtain some
seconds of CPU time:
a = 0; b = 2; n = 1000;
t0 = cputime;
for i = 1:10000 % repetitions to obtain some seconds CPU time
result = Trapezoidal(a, b, @f1, n);
t1 = cputime - t0;
Matlab allows a flexible assignment of functions, as demonstrated next:
a = 0; b = 2; n = 10;
% function f1 defined in f1.m (function handle):
result = Trapezoidal(a, b, @f1, n);
% inline object f:
f = inline('exp(-x * x) * log(1+x * sin(x))');
result = Trapezoidal(a, b, f, n);
% string expression:
result = Trapezoidal(a, b, 'exp(-x * x) * log(1+x * sin(x))', n);
Running the simple main program in Matlab on a laptop resulted in a CPU time
ratio of 85 relative to the Fortran 77 and C/C CC codes. This can, however, be
dramatically improved by vectorizing the code, see Sect. 6.3.7 .
Python is a very flexible and convenient programming language that supports much
more advanced concepts than C or Fortran, and also more powerful constructions
than in C CC or Java. The nature of Python allows one to build libraries with an
interface that gives the programmer access to powerful high-level statements. Appli-
cation codes therefore tend to be smaller, more compact, and easier to read than
their counterparts in Fortran, C, C CC , and Java. Because Python programs are
interpreted, some constructions (especially loops) run much more slowly than in
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