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Saving Arithmetic Operations
Examining the algorithm above, we see that the factor h appears in all terms. This
is perhaps even more obvious from the mathematical formula (6.1). We can avoid
n multiplications by h through a factorization of (6.1). We can also be more careful
with the factor 1=2 ; division is often slower than multiplication (perhaps by a factor
of 4, depending on the hardware). A computationally more efficient version of (6.1)
therefore reads
Z b
0:5.f .a/C f.b//C n X
hD b a
f.x/dx h
f.aC ih/
To really see why (6.2) is more efficient than (6.1) we can count the number of oper-
ations: additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, and f.x/ function calls.
We fi n d t h a t ( 6.1)has 2n multiplications, 2n additions, three divisions, and n C 1
function calls. The formula in (6.2) implies nC1 multiplications, 2n additions, one
division, and nC1 function calls. If f.x/ is a complicated function requiring many
arithmetic operations, such as sin x or e x , evaluation of f will dominate the work
of the algorithm. In that case there are minor differences between (6.1)and(6.2);
the total work is well approximated by n C 1 calls to the function f .
It is common to introduce floating-point operation (FLOP) as a synonym for
addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. However, this can be mislead-
ing on some hardware where division is significantly slower than the three other
operations. Counting one multiplication/division and one addition/subtraction as a
single floating-point operation is also common, because modern CPUs often have
the possibility of running pieces of a compound expression in parallel.
We can avoid n1 multiplications ih in (6.2) by incrementing the function argu-
ment by h in each pass in the for loop used to compute the sum. The mathematical
pseudo code incorporating this trick in (6.2) is expressed in Algorithm 6.2 . The total
work is now one multiplication, 2n additions, one division, and nC1 function calls.
Algorithm 6.2
Optimized Trapezoidal Integration.
trapezoidal ( a , b , f , n )
h D ba
s D 0
x D a
for i D 1;:::;n1
x x C h
s s Cf.x/
end for
s s C 0:5.f .a/C f.b//
s hs
return s
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