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A Nonlinear Example
Before we return to the nonlinear system ( 4.143 ), we will consider an example of a
nonlinear algebraic system just to test method ( 4.165 ). The system
e x e y D 0;
ln.1 C x C y/ D 0;
can be solved analytically. It follows from the first equation that x D y and thus the
second equation is reduced to
ln.1 C 2x/ D 0:
Note that ln. z / D 0 ) z D 1, thus we have
1 C 2x D 1;
which gives x D 0 and so y D 0. Since we have the exact solution, we can use
this example to check the properties of Newton's method applied to this system. By
f.x;y/ D e x e y
g.x; y/ D ln.1 C x C y/;
we can specify Newton's method ( 4.165 )as
e x k
! 1 e x k e y k
ln.1 C x k C y k /
x kC1
y kC1
D x y k
e y k
1Cx k Cy k
1Cx k Cy k
Recall that, in general, if ad bc ยค 0,
1 D
d b
ad bc
D 2
so the inverse needed in ( 4.167 ) is readily computed. By choosing x 0
D y 0
we get the following results:
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