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gives good approximations, provided that a solution of ( 4.111 ) exists. But we do
not know that it exists! We have not discussed existence yet. For a scalar equation
of the form ( 4.108 ), it is usually sufficient to just graph the functions v and h. v /
and observe that they cross each other at one and only one point. This ensures both
existence and uniqueness. But we will do this in a much harder way. The reason
for this is that later we will study systems of equations of the form ( 4.108 ), i.e.,
equations where v is a vector and h is a vector of functions. In such cases we cannot
analyze (a) and (b) above just by graphing. So by presenting a more theoretical
argument already in the case of a scalar equation, you will find the argument in
the case of systems easier to comprehend. But keep in mind that for any specific
equation of the form
v D h. v /;
or, more generally on the form,
F. v / D 0;
it is always instructive to graph the involved functions in order to understand what
kind of problem you have at hand.
Letusfirstseethat( 4.108 ) can only have one solution, provided that h is a contrac-
tive mapping satisfying ( 4.109 )and( 4.110 ). In order to see this, we simply assume
that we have two solutions v and w , i.e., we assume that
v D h. v /
w D h. w /:
Using ( 4.109 ) with v D v and w D w ,wehave
j h. v / h. w / j ı j v w j
where ı<1. But by ( 4.114 )and( 4.115 )wehave
j v w j ı j v w j ;
which can only hold when v D w , and consequently we can have only one solu-
tion. You should note that this is really highly nontrivial. We have ( 4.108 )andjust
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