Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
In the setMatrixUniforms() function, we associate the values of the diffuseColor
components to the reference of the materialDiffuseColor uniform using the
uniform4f() function.
function drawScene() {
The drawScene() function remains nearly the same, except we have added two
functions to add rotation transformation to the ModelView matrix by angles, rotateY
and rotateZ , along the y and z axes. The values of variables are controlled by the
handleKeys(e) function, which is invoked when any of the arrow keys are pressed.
Rendering without light
Open the 02-Loading-Model-JSON.html file in your browser and you will see an
outcome similar to the following screenshot. The render does not show distinct
object features. We exported a monkey model from Blender in an OBJ file and
converted it to JSON. Select Monkey from the Select Model option. The output of
the 02-Loading-Model-JSON.html file is shown in the following screenshot:
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