Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Colors and
Shading Languages
We have been teleported to 5000 AD. We know the basics, but we still have to create
our survival kit to fight Mr. Green. Our survival kit's raw materials will be some
basic code packets. These code packets will form the core rendering engine of our
WebGL game. Although we will take the simplest approach, we will keep evolving
and structuring these particular code packets as we move along.
Before we dive into shading models, we will cover how to render complex
geometries. A very important aspect of 3D gaming is the ability to render 3D models
exported from tools such as Blender. We will learn how to export basic 3D models
and also understand the basic Wavefront OBJ file format. We will learn how to parse
the OBJ file format to convert to the JSON format. Then, we will load the JSON file
format in our game.
Our survival kit in 5000 AD will cover the following topics:
• Adding colors to primitive objects
• Exporting 3D objects from tools such as Blender
• Understanding directional lights
• Making our objects respond to light and reflection algorithms
Shading models
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