Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
• Invokes the initBuffers() function. This function creates the vertices
array with four vertices, creates a vertex buffer object, makes it the current
buffer using the API function gl.bindBuffer (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,
vertexPositionBuffer) , and creates the actual memory to store the
vertices in the GPU memory using the API function gl.bufferData(gl.
ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW) . Then,
it clears or paints the canvas using the gl.clearColor(red,green,blue,al
pha) function. It also enables depth-testing (this will be discussed shortly).
• The final drawing happens in the drawScene() function. First, it sets
the size of the viewport equal to the size of the canvas object using the
gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.viewportWidth, gl.viewportHeight); API
function. Then, it clears the COLOR and DEPTH framebuffers (to be discussed
shortly). It initializes the projection perspective matrix using the mat4.
perspective(40, gl.viewportWidth / gl.viewportHeight, 0.1,
1000.0, pMatrix) function.
The drawScene() function then initializes the ModelView matrix mat4.
identity(mvMatrix); and applies a translation transform to the ModelView
matrix. The matrix now contains one transformation which would move an
object to z = -7 in the world coordinate.
The drawScene() function then makes the vertexPositionBuffer
parameter the current buffer using the gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,
vertexPositionBuffer) function and associates the current buffer object
to the shader attribute using the gl.vertexAttribPointer() function.
The setMatrixUniforms() function associates the ModelView matrix and
projection matrix to the corresponding shader program uniforms using the
gl.uniformMatrix4fv() function.
Finally, we invoke the drawArrays() function, which basically draws the square
with two triangles using the vertices [v0, v1, v2] and [v2, v0, v3] since the drawing
Hence, for every WebGL application, the basic program flow would be similar to
the following:
Create the WebGL context
Load, compile, link, and attach shaders
Initialize vertex buffers and index buffers
Apply transform and associate buffer objects to shader attributes
Call the drawArrays or drawElements functions
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