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if (i+1 <wordsInCurrent) { currentText += " "; }
else {
newText += wordArray[i];
if( i+1 <wordArrayLength) { newText += " "; }
maxLineWidth = this.measureText(currentText);
if(newText) {
subWidth = this.createMultilineText(newText,text);
if (subWidth>maxLineWidth) {
maxLineWidth = subWidth;
return maxLineWidth;
The preceding function, createMultilineText , performs two tasks:
Stores split lines of text in the text array
Returns the maximum width of the string with the text array
The function first replaces the newline ( \n ) characters with spaces and then splits the
text into words and stores them in the wordArray array.
The while loop iterates until the length of the currentText variable is not less
than the maxWidth variable. Basically, the code in the loop first concatenates the
wordsInCurrent (which is 1 subtracted from the value of wordArrayLength ) words
in the currentText variable and concatenates the rest of the words in the newText
variable. It then checks the length of currentText , if it is still greater than the value
of maxWidth . Then, it copies wordsInCurrent (which is 2 subtracted from the value of
wordArrayLength ) to see if it fits. It continues to copy one word less to currentText
until the width of the text is less than the value of maxWidth . Then, it invokes itself
recursively with the newText variable (concatenated words greater than the value of
maxWidth ), which holds the rest of the words after storing the currentText variable
in the text array. It also compares the length of the returned subWidth variable with
maxLineWidth , to get the width of the longest string in the text array.
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