Game Development Reference
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We will use the JigLib library to understand the implementation of a ray cast. JigLib
provides us with two classes to implement ray casting: JRay and JSegment . The
constructor of the JRay class is defined as follows:
JRay=function(_origin, _dir)
The constructor of this class takes two parameters, _origin and _dir . We will set
the _origin parameter to the position of the character and the _dir parameter to
the direction of the character. The position and direction can be easily derived from
our matrixWorld matrix. The position will be derived from the m30 , m31 , and m32
components of our matrix and the direction vector can be calculated by multiplying
the forward vector with the rotation matrix (derived from this.quaternion of
our StageObject class) or retrieving the m03 , m13 , and m23 components of our
matrixWorld matrix. The JRay class is used internally by the JSegment class. We
will only interact with the JSegment class. The constructor of the JSegment class
is defined as follows:
JSegment=function(_origin, _delta)
The JSegment class is similar to the JRay class except that it takes the _delta
parameter instead of the _dir parameter. The _delta parameter is the length of the
ray multiplied by the direction of the player. The JSegment class does not cast an
infinite ray, and the intersecting objects in the vicinity of the ray are returned. Let's
quickly take a peep into the implementation:
var segment=new jigLib.JSegment(origin,directionVector);
var out={};
var cs=system.getCollisionSystem();
if(cs.segmentIntersect(out, segment, null)){
First, we scale our direction vector by 100 , which is the length of our ray in the
example. Then, we create an object of the segment. We retrieve the object of our
collision system from the physics system object. We then check for an intersecting
object using the cs.segmentIntersect(out, segment, null) function. The last
parameter ( null ) is for the outer body, the enclosing body, not necessarily the parent
of the object. It can be a skybox or any similar object, which we will ignore for our
calculations. In our case, we do not pass the enclosing body; hence, we pass null.
If the function returns true, then the intersecting object is retrieved from the out
variable, which we passed as the first parameter in the function call.
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