Game Development Reference
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if(data.bones) {
stageObject=new RiggedMesh();
stageObject=new StageObject();
The initShaders function accesses the attributes ( skinIndex and
skinWeight ) and stores their references in the shaderProgram object.
function initShaders() {
shaderProgram.skinIndex =
gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "skinIndex");
shaderProgram.skinWeight =
gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "skinWeight");
shaderProgram.useSkinning =
gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "useSkinning");
shaderProgram.boneGlobalMatrices =
The drawScene function iterates over visible stage objects and checks
whether the instance is of the RiggedMesh type. If it is valid, it enables the
skinIndex and skinWeight attributes ( gl.enableVertexAttribArray(sha
derProgram.skinIndex) ), activates the buffer objects ( gl.bindBuffer(gl.
ARRAY_BUFFER, stage.stageObjects[i].skinIndexBuffer) ), and assigns
their memory buffers to their corresponding attributes ( gl.vertexAttribPo
inter(shaderProgram.skinIndex, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) ). Then,
it also assigns the offset bone matrices to the uniform boneGlobalMatrices
( gl.uniformMatrix4fv( shaderProgram.boneGlobalMatrices,
false, stage.stageObjects[i].boneMatrices ) ). Note that we assign
boneMatrices as matrices of floats.
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