Game Development Reference
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For the UV map, if we apply a texture to this geometry, we should have a
texture coordinate per vertex.
To generate vertices, we also need the width and height of the plane. Hence,
to generate the information to render the geometry shown in the preceding
diagram, we need the following:
° Plane width
° Plane height
° Width segments
° Height segments
Terrain is one of the most important components for most
games. The plane geometry computation logic is a very
standard algorithm that is implemented in most WebGL
libraries, and we have covered its implementation to
understand the topic height maps better.
• Also, for our formulas to generate the vertex information from the preceding
data, we assume that the plane is placed at the world center and lies in the
XY plane ( z = 0). The preceding diagram also shows that for n segments, we
have n + 1 vertices on each side and we certainly want our number of vertices
to be even and in the power of 2.
• Let's start with our first formula to generate vertices. Let's say that if the
plane is a grid of 4 x 4 vertices and each side's width and height is 16 units
and the image center is (0, 0), then the coordinates for vertices are shown in
the following table:
(0, 0)
(-32, 32, 0)
These coordinates are calculated as (-32 + 64 * 0/3,
32 - 64 * 0/3, 0)
(-32 + 64/3, 32, 0)
(2, 0)
(-32 + 64 * 2/3, 32, 0)
(3, 0)
(-32 + 64 * 3/3, 32, 0)
(0, 1)
(-32 + 64 * 0/3, 32 - 64/3, 0)
(1, 1)
(-32 + 64 * 1/3, 32 - 64/3, 0)
(2, 1)
(-32 + 64 * 2/3, 32 - 64/3, 0)
(3, 1)
(-32 + 64 * 3/3, 32 - 64/3, 0)
(0, 2)
(-32 + 64 * 0/3, 32 - 64 * 2/3, 0)
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