Game Development Reference
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We define positions (interpolated points) with respect to the camera, not the scene.
However, if we move our arm after firing the bullet, then the bullet should not
change its initial trajectory, which means the bullet should use the initial camera
matrix to calculate its transformation.
Open the Bullet.js file from the primitive/game folder in your editor.
We first inherit our StageObject to create the Bullet class. We have added three
new variables in the class: positions to hold the calculated set of interpolated
points for the animation trajectory, initialModelMatrix to hold the initial camera
matrix so that the bullet does not change the trajectory after firing, even if the camera
changes its location/orientation, and lastly, counter to maintain the index of the
current position once the bullet is fired. Also note that we have set the visible
property of the bullet to false so that the bullet is initially not visible, as shown in
the following code:
Bullet= inherit(StageObject, function (){
We have implemented the initialize function of the StageObject class in the
Bullet class. This function first clones the camera view matrix, and then stores the
camera matrix in initialModelMatrix . It initializes the position array by invoking
calculatePositions for a set of 200 points, and sets counter to 0 and visible to
true , as shown in the following code:
Bullet.prototype.initialize=function() {
var mMatrix=mat4.clone(;
var count=200;
for(var i=0;i<count;++i){
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