Game Development Reference
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Calculate the new position after transforming the old position with the
quaternion. This calculates the new position relative to the origin.
Transform the position relative to the origin to relative to the orbit point
as follows:
vec3.add(this.pos,newpos, this.orbitPoint);
Calculate the direction vector from the orbit point and new position and also
calculate the unit direction as follows:
vector.(vec3.subtract(this.dir,this.orbitPoint, this.pos);
vec3.normalize(this.dir, this.dir));
Calculate the up vector using the cross product of the direction and left
vectors. Compute the unit up vector and normalize it as shown in the
following code:
vec3.cross(this.up,this.dir, this.left);
Calculate the left vector using the cross product of the up and direction
vectors. Compute the unit left vector and normalize it as shown in the
following code:
vec3.cross( this.left ,this.up, this.dir);
vec3.normalize(this.left ,this.left))
The complete pitch function is defined as follows:
OrbitCamera.prototype.pitch = function (angle) {
if (isVectorEqual(this.pos, this.orbitPoint)) {
var quate=quat.create();
quat.setAxisAngle(quate, this.left, angle);
vec3.transformQuat(this.dir, this.dir, quate);
vec3.cross(this.up,this.dir, this.left);
vec3.normalize(this.up, this.up);
else {
vec3.subtract(this.pos,this.pos, this.orbitPoint);
var quate =quat.create();
quat.setAxisAngle(quate,this.left, angle);
var newpos = vec3.create();
vec3.transformQuat(newpos, this.pos,quate);
vec3.add(this.pos, newpos, this.orbitPoint);
vec3.subtract(this.dir, this.orbitPoint, this.pos);
vec3.normalize(this.dir, this.dir);
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