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Chapter 13
Forward Kinematics: Making Things Walk
What we'll cover in this chapter:
Introducing forward and inverse kinematics
Getting started programming forward kinematics
Automating the process
Making it really walk
The previous chapters covered the basics of interactive JavaScript animations using the canvas element,
and even some advanced “basics.” Now, we branch off and explore some other interesting techniques that
use kinematics.
What exactly is kinematics? The name might sound intimidating, but it's really not that difficult. In fact, the
previous chapters covered just about all the concepts you need. You just have to put them together in the
right way.
The simple definition of kinematics is, at least for our purposes, the branch of mathematics that deals with
the motion of objects without regard for force or mass; so, it's speed, direction, and velocity.
When people in computer science, graphics, and games talk about kinematics, they are referring to two
specific branches of kinematics: forward kinematics and inverse kinematics. Let's start there.
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